Association Footvolley For All

General data

Responsibility: Styrian Provincial Police Directorate, SVA 3

ZVR number: 1777061510

Name: Association Footvolley For All

Registered office: Kasernstraße 30E, 8010 Graz

Country: Austria

Date of creation: 31.07.2023

Statutory representation regulation: The chairman/chairwoman represents the association externally. Written copies of the association require the signatures of the chairman and the secretary to be valid, in financial matters (asset dispositions) of the chairman and the treasurer.

Organizational representatives:

Founder: Lueger Bernhard, B.Sc., Zaccardi Hoshi de Lima Heraldo

Notes: This excerpt contains information on those persons who are authorized to represent the association externally as founders or liquidators on the basis of the law (Sections 2 (2) and 30 (1) VerG) or as representatives of the governing bodies in accordance with the articles of association.

With the exception of representation by an officially appointed liquidator, this information is also based on information provided by the persons concerned or the association about its representation relationships and on the representation regulations in these association statutes.

In this respect, it is neither established nor confirmed with binding effect that the persons named actually hold or held these functions with legal validity.

Confidence in the accuracy of this information is protected to the extent that no one knows or should know that it is incorrect (§ 17 para. 8 VerG).

Issuer: Federal Ministry of the Interior Department IV/2

Date / Time: Monday August 21, 2023 \ 11:45:56